About You

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

-Mary Oliver

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be…

-Marianne Williamson

The Impossible Dream

Who are you to do such a thing?
Who are you to start a business?
Who are you to write a book?
Who are you to form a band?
Who are you to learn to fly?
Who are you to travel the world?
Who are you to strike out on your own?
Who are you to say you can, when so many have failed?
Who are you to be powerful, in a world of people who have forgotten their power?
Who are you to change the world?

You, my love, are a child of light, with eyes turned to every ray of inspiration. 
You are a listener, tuned to the whisper of the soul.
You are a fearless traveler, with the immense power of the universe at your back.

Failure is not your fate, for success comes in the creation, in the execution, in the stepping boldly forward where others dare not.

Failure is not determined by the reaction of those who live in fear.

The only failure is to not follow the dream.

Stay closely tuned to the guidance of the universe and ask for it frequently, for it will be your north star.

Howl at the moon for tribe members who will support you and understand that your power, like their own, is simply a beautiful manifestation of the universe in all of us.

Never forget who you are, star child.
Never forget that you are here to change the world.

Cate Schultz

These bits of poetry say so much…

Open your eyes to the star that is you…

Open your soul to the power of your dreams…

Open your heart to the magic that happens when you step forward in love…

Let me help you find your path…

Love, Cate

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