Speaking Referrals

Having come out of college as a teacher, I have been speaking to crowds virtually all of my life.

As an Author and a Life Coach, I have delivered inspirational speeches to groups of all sizes and all ages.

My mission and message is one of empowerment, inspiring people to step fully into the life of their dreams.

While signing books one day, for a large group of women professionals at a convention in Orlando, a middle-aged woman approached me and said, “I heard your speech yesterday.”

“Oh, great,” I replied. “Thank you for attending.”

“Yes,” she said, “and I realized I am an imposter.”

“Oh!” was all I said. Sensing her struggle, I simply held her in my gaze with as much kindness and encouragement as possible.

She continued, “You see, all my life I have worked at jobs I hate because it was an industry my father thought would be a good career for me. I have been compensated well but I hate it. After hearing you talk, I decided I am going to go do what I want to do. I am going to follow my dreams instead of working for a paycheck.” She smiled like a kid who just won first prize at the fair.

“That’s fantastic!” I said, returning the smile. “I am excited for you. You will see your life open up in ways you never dreamed of. The universe always helps those who boldly follow their heart. I like to say that ‘when you step out in action, the tectonic spiritual plates shift to support you.’”

I got up and went around the signing table to give her a hug, wishing her blessings on her new journey.

Empowerment to the people. That’s my message.

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