About Me

As you will see on my bio page, I have done a lot in my life….

I spent many years doing stuff, and amassing things.

Perhaps that drive came from being raised in an economically-challenged family. As the 8th of 12 children, I learned that nobody else was going to do it for me. If I wanted something, I had to go get it.

And there’s nothing wrong with accomplishments or things.

It took a failing marriage and faltering health to make me take a hard look at my life…..

I realized that all those years of working feverishly to have a big house, multiple businesses, lots of toys, and fancy vacations hadn’t brought me happiness!

In fact, I found that I didn’t own those things, they owned me!

So, I started changing my life:
• I paid attention to the things that made me happiest (teaching and helping people!)
• I divested from the people and situations that did not serve me
• I identified my dreams and started following them
• I meditated for survival (best tool I know)
• I found my tribe
• I started living for my soul, not my bank account

My passion is to help you do the same:
· Clarify what serves you and what doesn’t
· Identify and learn how to follow your dreams
· Learn tools and techniques to create a life you will love
· Find the playground of your soul (yes, you can make life a playa of joy and still have a healthy bank account!)

Are you looking to start a new business, find true love, recover from tragedy, become a better parent, transition through divorce, write a book, create joy and happiness, or just learn life skills?

I can help you. Please contact me to start the conversation.

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