About Life Coaching

Life Coaching is about helping people achieve goals and follow their dreams.

Life Coaching is not therapy, counseling, or psychotherapy, all of which are treatments made by a licensed healthcare professional. A Life Coach is not required to be licensed and may or may not be a healthcare professional.

A Life Coach sets clients up with a process that may be long or short term, and that is created to help the client achieve desired results. The process involves clarifying goals and identifying obstacles and problematic behaviors that stand in the way of achieving the identified goals. Although the coaching may involve reviewing past influences that have led the client to where they are now, coaching is less about focusing on the past and more about where to go from here, and how to get there.

My Life Coaching typically involves these steps:

  1. Where is the client at now in their life?
  2. What are the influences that got him or her here?
  3. Where does the client want to go/what does he or she want to achieve?
  4. What are the tools and methods to get him or her there?

My goal is to help the client make a realistic assessment of the influences that have brought them to this point in their life and to provide them tools that can take them forward to wherever they would like to be in life.

My coaching is based on training from RMT, the Robbins/Madanes Training Center. RMT is the result of two superpowers in the understanding of human behavior joining together to help train others. Tony Robbins, of course, is the Rock Star of transformational change, and Chloe Madanes is a renowned psychotherapist. Their powerhouse of wisdom and knowledge provides the basis for the training I received.

In addition, I rely on my intuitive nature that has always been a natural teacher and a guide. I have a BA in Education and have taught every age, from babies to elders. My archetype is a Sage and people have verbally acknowledged, for decades, the “great advice” I naturally share with others. My coaching also has a strong spiritual element, based on guidance I have received from various Shamans.

It is my pleasure and great joy to help people make the life they dream of a reality.


*Please note: Cate Schultz is not a licensed Therapist, Counselor, Psychiatrist, or Psychologist, and does not offer or perform therapy to clients.

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